This will force the enemy commander to use his Gunboat flares more often, which gives him or her less tactical options later in the match. Since the troop AI tends to prefer whatever's closest to it, you can use them to block off or distract units that would be attacking your defenses or your HQ. While it's true that every building defeated lowers your Headquarters' health, they can still be useful as defensive structures. Sometimes it makes sense to have a defensive structure behind the HQ, but by and large most of your buildings should be in front of it. Everything you can get should be between the beach and your HQ. Your HQ should generally be as far back as you can get it from the beach. If you leave your Headquarters undefended, it's game over, you lose. This is suicidal to do with your Headquarters in Boom Beach. In Clash of Clans, it's common to leave your Town Hall outside your walls. That way, it's way harder to hit both with a single Gunboat Artillery shot. If you want to put these guys next to each other, leave at least a small 1-block gap. If you've got to put buildings adjacent to one another, make sure they're not defenses or your HQ. The way to prevent this is simple - don't put strategically important buildings right next to each other. A well placed artillery shot will hit all three.

In this example, there are two towers and the HQ that share a corner. Thus, you can hit multiple buildings with a single shot assuming they're right next to each other. Then Gunboat's Artillery ability is free-targeted. This makes my life easy as a raider! # 4: Mind the GapĪlthough that last tip would have you believe that you should put your Boom Beach defenses right on top of each other, this is actually a bad idea. I see too many bases where the defenses are so spread out that I can easily target them one at a time, and heal in between.

Especially once you get to the stage where the Gunboat can drop health kits, one tower doing damage simply isn't enough. The more damage their units are soaking up in the early stages of the invasion, the less likely it is that they're going to be successful. Line up your defenses so that units fighting one are being damaged by another. What you want is overlap between defenses. Thus, your first line of defense should be supported by your second line. When attackers target your base, they're likely to try to hit your base defenses first. That way, when you're building your Boom Beach base, you can take these into consideration and avoid being an easy target. In this article, I'll show you the things I tend to exploit when raiding a base in Boom Beach. I've raided a number of bases recently that just weren't up to snuff.

Five Fast Tips for Boom Beach Base Building